Wednesday 1 March 2017

Low cost auto insurance in California

Rising unemployment rates and the exorbitant cost of gas have left hundreds struggling to come up with the fund they need to keep their car properly insured. That's why over 15% of drivers on the highways today are driving uninsured, 3 million plus in California alone. In an effort to stem the rising tide of uninsured drivers, California has implemented an insurance program designed especially for low income drivers known as the California Low Cost Auto Insurance Program. Nothing could be further from the truth. For one thing, the law mandates that you carry certain types of auto insurance. But more importantly, paying a little now can save you a slew of headaches - and possibly financial ruin - in the future. There are a lot of available cheap auto insurance packages in California, especially now that more and more companies are competing against each other for a share in the market. But don't get your hopes up - companies that offer cheap insurance also have a lot of requirements. Find out if you have what it takes to land a good deal.

Why financial ruin? First of all, if you're in an accident, you could be liable for the medical expenses of the person you hit, as well as their car repair bills. If your
car is damaged, you'll also have to pay for those repairs out of pocket. Depending on the severity of the accident, that could run you in the thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. No one can afford to take that chance.

So, given that insuring your vehicle is an absolute necessity, the question becomes one of finding low cost car insurance - without sacrificing quality. After all, low cost auto insurance won't do you any good if the coverage is spotty or if the insurance company you choose has a less than stellar track record of service. That's why you need to find the balance between cost and quality. Well-equipped vehicle. Few people realize it, but you can up your chances of landing cheap auto insurance in California if you installed safety devices in your car, such as an alarm system, active or passive disabling systems, etc. Air bags can also be your ticket to lower premiums. Many insurance companies in California give huge discounts to drivers with side air bags, dual air bags, etc. You can also expect lower rates if your car has anti-lock brakes

Researching various insurance options can be a daunting task. Who has the time to make dozens of phone calls, providing the same information over and over again, and then fielding all of the return calls of agents who are hungry for new business? That's why it's best to go online to find low cost car insurance. When you find the right website, you only have to provide your information once. In return, you can obtain up to four different quotes from a dozen different insurers.

Here's how it works. Typically, you first need to provide basic information, such as your name, address, and date of birth. This is because insurance companies often base quotes on the area where you live and your age. If you live in a densely populated metropolis or a high crime area, for example, you may receive higher quotes than if you lived in a rural or suburban area. Next, you provide information about the vehicle or vehicles that you wish to insure, as well as information about the drivers who operate those vehicles. Then, you enter any incidents, accidents, or claims you may have had with your vehicle or previous insurers. Once you provide all of this information, you receive options for coverage and quotes for the types of coverage you are interested in. Contrast this simple process with the hassle of calling multiple insurance companies and providing the information multiple times, and it soon becomes clear that getting online quotes for low cost auto insurance is a much better alternative.

Even if you live in an area where insurance premiums are generally high, when you find the right website, you can get information about government programs that help to underwrite your insurance premium. California, for example, has a program that helps low-income residents with a good driving record obtain low cost auto insurance. The bottom line? Finding a reputable online auto insurance broker who can automatically provide multiple quotes and crucial information on all of your available options for low cost auto insurance is invaluable.

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